Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fair point, I apologize. Still...

Mr. K, the reason that fbc and I both cited bar association work is that, in your initial post, you say you have never met a paleo who is "a member of a local professional organization." To then say how unimpressed you are with bar association work is pure unadulterated goal-post shifting. Color me unimpressed.

Fair point, I apologize. Still, the spirit of mentioning professional associations was meant to imply something of a true give-and-take guild, where the members are constantly refining standards of quality, weeding out the bad apples, and driving the profession's evolution. Something I think we can all agree bar associations have generally failed to accomplish in the past few decades.

What pro-paleo lawyerly professional activity outside the billable hours would I be impressed with? Organizing and chartering an Inn of Court. Working with a diocesan chancellor (or his/her Protestant or Orthodox equivalent) to build a diocesan legal network that would be a pro bono machine equal to any secular counterpart in your area. Establishing a local version of the Becket Fund. Working with the county and state GOP general counsels to lead the deployment of teams of polling place watchers and recount observers, and organizing seminars on election law to train them.
